Judy Baldwin is a seasoned strategic marketer who understands the big picture, the context of the customer and the marketplace, and the critical need to match product functionality and messaging to an audience’s needs. She has the ability to execute a plan’s details to achieve results. A sales and revenue focused marketer with a passion for customers she has the capabilities that are essential to creating actionable marketing programs that produce results.
Clients use Judith Baldwin Marketing LLC because they need specific marketing expertise that they don’t have in-house. Judy creates brand strategies, develops new product strategies, creates new or updated websites, analyzes search engine optimization (SEO) and creates SEO optimization programs. She provides writing services including: copywriting for content marketing, website content, case studies, online marketing, blogs, brochures, social media posts, infographics, direct mail campaigns, ghost writing and newsletters.
Judy uses data to create marketing programs that produces results. An American Management Association Certified Professional in Management, during her corporate career she gained deep experience directing teams that managed enterprise websites, email and marketing automation systems, social media, digital advertising and corporate marketing analytics for demand generation and lead generation. She brings this expertise to Judith Baldwin Marketing LLC.
Industry Experience
Judy has experience in these industries
- K12 and Higher Education
- Technology and SAAS companies
- WAN and LAN systems and telecom
- Healthcare
- Non-profits
- Major retailers and restaurants
- Start-ups
- B2B publishing, B2C broadcast media
- Construction and building services
- Travel industry
- Insurance, banking, and financial services
- Manufacturing
- College athletics
- Commercial printing
- Social media marketing and advertising
- Marketing automation
- Account-based marketing
- Content marketing
- Complex enterprise-wide websites
- Direct mail
- Video communications
- Print, radio, TV, and outdoor advertising
If your organization needs to augment its marketing and communications expertise or if your marketing department is understaffed, Judy Baldwin can provide services to fill in the gaps or elevate your game. You can hire Judy directly or through Upwork. Her Upwork profile is here. Or, contact Judy now.